captivate & convert

Explainer Videos

Beyond Brand Awareness: The Diverse Power of Explainer Videos

In today’s information age, clear and concise communication is crucial. But let’s face it, lengthy text documents and dry presentations often struggle to capture attention.  Creative Overdose Studios’ explainer videos offer a powerful solution, helping creative, communications, and marketing teams alike break through the noise and deliver their message in a way that’s both engaging and impactful.

Explainer videos aren’t just for startups anymore. They’re a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

Product Promotion

Showcase your new product or service in a visually captivating way, highlighting its features, benefits, and value proposition.

Corporate Training

Onboard new employees, explain complex procedures, or deliver ongoing training content in a format that’s engaging and easy to retain.

Educational Learning

Simplify complex topics and make learning fun and interactive for students of all ages.

Marketing & Communication

Use explainer videos to introduce your brand, explain your services, or promote upcoming events to a wider audience.

transfrom complex ideas

into engaging


transfrom complex ideas

into engaging


Captivate your audience with animation, motion graphics, and clear storytelling. Explainer videos are proven to hold attention longer than traditional text formats, leading to better information retention.

Break down complex topics into easily digestible chunks. Explainer videos are a great way to explain technical processes, product functionalities, or even abstract ideas in a clear and concise way.

Explainer videos can significantly improve conversion rates by effectively communicating your value proposition and leaving a lasting impression on potential customers.

Explainer videos are a powerful tool to introduce your brand and its offerings to a wider audience in a memorable way.

We help you communicate clearly, concisely, and in a visually stunning way –the perfect solution for creative, communications, and marketing teams alike.

the process


Discovery & Strategy:

We work closely with you to understand your message, target audience, and overall objectives.



Our skilled writers craft a concise and engaging script that effectively communicates your message and resonates with your viewers.


Storyboarding & Design:

We create a visual storyboard that brings your script to life, ensuring a clear flow and visually appealing design style.


Animation & Voiceover:

Our talented animators breathe life into your storyboard, while a professional voiceover artist delivers your message with clarity and impact.


Sound Design & Music:

We create a captivating soundscape with custom-designed sound effects and a mood-setting music score that elevates the overall experience.


Delivery & Refinement:

We deliver your explainer video in the format you need, open to revisions to ensure it exceeds your expectations.

Ready to unlock the power of explainer videos?

Whether you’re a creative team looking to showcase a new product, a communications team needing to onboard employees, or a marketing team aiming to boost conversions, explainer videos can be your secret weapon. Contact Creative Overdose Studios today! Let’s discuss your project and explore how we can craft an explainer video that simplifies your message, captivates your audience, and drives results.