Fuel Your Creative Vision

Crowdfunding Campaign
Creative Support

From Concept to Conversion

At Creative Overdose Studios, we understand the burning passion that drives creators. Whether you’re an indie game developer crafting a captivating world, a children’s book author weaving a whimsical tale, or a visionary artist with a hilarious webcomic, crowdfunding offers a fantastic platform to secure the resources you need. But a successful crowdfunding campaign requires more than just a brilliant idea. It needs captivating creative assets that grab attention, ignite excitement, and leave a lasting impression on potential backers.

That’s where Creative Overdose Studios comes in.
We offer a comprehensive suite of creative support services specifically designed to elevate your crowdfunding campaign and stand out from the crowd.

Concept Development & Brainstorming:
We work closely with you to understand your project, its core message, and your target audience. Together, we brainstorm captivating concepts for your campaign’s essential creative assets.

Essential Creative Assets for Success

Compelling Campaign Video

This is the heart of your campaign. We help you create a high-quality, engaging video that showcases your project in action. Our expertise in animation, motion graphics, and sound design ensures your video effectively communicates your vision and resonates with potential backers.

Grab attention with a visually stunning introduction that sets the tone for your project (think action sequence for a game, whimsical animation for a children’s book).

 Explain your project, its purpose, and the value it brings (entertainment, education, etc.).

Showcase the passionate individuals behind the project, fostering a connection with backers.

Clearly illustrate the exciting rewards backers can receive at different funding tiers (exclusive in-game items, signed copies of your book, etc.).

End with a clear and persuasive call to action, urging viewers to support your campaign.

Eye-Catching Visuals

High-quality visuals are crucial for grabbing attention and leaving a lasting impression. We create captivating visuals that tell your story and capture the essence of your project across various platforms.

This Can Include:

Stunning visuals that depict your project’s world, characters, or core themes for your campaign page and social media.

(For Game Studios) Showcase the gameplay, environments, and characters of your game to generate excitement.

(For Authors & Comic Creators) Bring your characters to life with captivating character designs that entice potential backers/readers.

(For Card Game Creators) Showcase the design and style of your card game’s artwork and layout.

Campaign Landing Page Design:
We design a visually appealing and user-friendly landing page that effectively communicates your project’s story, highlights key information, and integrates seamlessly with your video and other visuals.

Social Media Graphics:
We create eye-catching social media graphics to promote your campaign across various platforms, keeping your audience engaged and informed throughout the funding period.


your story


your story

We Get It

We understand creative crowdfunding challenges and help your project shine.

Collaborative Spirit

We work closely with you throughout the entire process, ensuring the creative assets perfectly represent your project and vision.

Strategic Approach

We don’t just create beautiful visuals; we create assets that strategically support your campaign goals and drive conversions.

Visual & Storytelling Expertise

Our team of talented artists, animators, and designers brings your vision to life with stunning visuals and captivating storytelling.

Ready to Launch Your Creative Dream?

Contact us today! Let’s discuss your project, explore creative possibilities, and collaborate to create a crowdfunding campaign that ignites excitement and propels your project towards successful funding.